DEEP SPACE NINE: "Tacking into... " - REV. 03/22/99 - ACT FIVE 53. 52A CONTINUED: RUSOT It's over. KIRA Shut up, Rusot! RUSOT The Shape-shifter is useless. The whole plan is coming apart! We have to get out of here! KIRA Go back to your post! RUSOT No! No, more! We're leaving now! Rusot aims his phaser at the back of Kira's head... GARAK'S VOICE That would be unwise. 53 NEW ANGLE showing that Garak is now pointing a weapon at Rusot. RUSOT (to Garak) You're still a Cardassian, Garak. You're not going to kill one of your own people for a Bajoran woman. GARAK How little you understand me. Damar steps forward, his own weapon in his hand. DAMAR Enough! Put your weapons down, both of you! RUSOT (to Damar) You want her dead too, Damar. I know you do. But you're the leader of the rebellion and you don't want to kill someone wearing a Starfleet uniform. Let me do it for you. Something BEEPS on a console. Damar glances at it.