DEEP SPACE NINE: "Tacking into... " - REV. 03/22/99 - ACT FIVE 50. 48 CONTINUED: An awkward beat, then O'Brien lifts the lid on the tray. O'BRIEN Keiko whipped up some crab rolls for you. She... we... thought you might be hungry. BASHIR Thanks. To both of you. Bashir takes the box and begins to wolf down the food (sushi handrolls). BASHIR (I'm sorry) About the other day... O'BRIEN Forget it. Beat. O'BRIEN How's the work going? BASHIR I'm firmly entrenched in square one. O'BRIEN Hmm. (beat) Can I ask you a question -- about Thirty-one? BASHIR Go ahead. O'BRIEN If you do find the cure and they hear about it, what do you think they'll do? BASHIR Well... I would imagine that they'd be concerned. The very existence of a cure would jeopardize their entire plan to eradicate the Founders. So I wouldn't be surprised if Sloan or another operative suddenly showed up here on the station and tried to destroy my work.