DEEP SPACE NINE: "Tacking into... " - REV. 03/22/99 - ACT ONE 17. 13 CONTINUED: DAMAR Why aren't the Klingon ships affected by these Breen weapons? KIRA We don't know that yet either. (beat) But, if we could supply the Federation with one, it would give them a chance to come up with a countermeasure. GARAK I had the same thought. Kira ignores the following Rusot/Damar exchange -- she's coming up with a plan. RUSOT (outraged) Our priority should be to free Cardassia from the Dominion, not to do Starfleet's dirty work. DAMAR We're all in this together. By helping Starfleet, we're helping ourselves. Rusot doesn't like that answer, but swallows it. Again. Kira, meanwhile, is beginning to see the outlines of a plan... KIRA (to Garak) There's a Cardassian repair facility in the Kelvas System, right? GARAK Yes. I take it you have something in mind? KIRA (still working it out in her head) It won't be easy... but if we can get onto the bridge... (decisive) All right. We'll use a five-man team. The four of us, plus Odo. (beat) Garak, I'll need everything we have on the Kelvas facility.