DEEP SPACE NINE: "Tacking into... " - REV. 03/22/99 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN So where does that leave you? BASHIR Back to square one. Whoever engineered this Shape-shifter disease did a good job of covering their tracks. O'BRIEN Julian, it's time to face facts. You're not going to pull a rabbit out of your medkit. The Founders themselves haven't come up with a cure -- and they have the resources of the entire Dominion at their command. (beat) Now, I know you don't want to hear this, but the only way we're going to find a cure is to track down the man -- or woman -- who created this thing in the first place. Bashir is tired and this is a very old argument by now. BASHIR Miles... O'BRIEN We have to find a way to get inside Section Thirty-one. BASHIR We tried that. We tried and we tried and all we succeeded in doing was to waste two weeks chasing phantoms from here to Vulcan. You want to face facts?