DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT FIVE 54. 51 CONTINUED: And off Odo as he moves to help, pretending nothing's wrong -- 52 EXT. BAJOR (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 53 INT. KAI WINN'S OFFICE Dukat is sitting in a chair, his eyes staring sightlessly. Winn ENTERS and approaches. DUKAT Adami... ? Winn studies Dukat for a beat without answering. DUKAT (unnerved) Are you there? Winn allows herself a small smile, enjoying his helplessness. WINN I'm here. (knowing this will irk him) I spoke with the doctor. She said she can't find anything wrong with your eyes. DUKAT Then she's incompetent! (grousing) A Cardassian doctor would've cured me by now... Winn's features harden at the implication that Bajoran Doctors are inferior. WINN You still don't understand, do you? The Pah-wraiths have taken your sight as punishment for your arrogance. Dukat's features falter at hearing this -- if there's nothing physically wrong with him, then maybe she's right.