15:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 50 INT. DAMAR'S BASE - ANOTHER SECTION OF CAVERN Moments later. Odo's still trying to cope with this first manifestation of his disease, when -- 50A KIRA returns carrying a small cooling unit. KIRA You're not going to believe this... 51 ODO (OPTICAL) as he quickly does a 2-D MORPH absorbing the peeling skin on his hand so that he looks normal. ODO Believe what? KIRA Damar had this cooling unit waiting for us. (picking up Odo's state of mind) Something wrong? ODO (covering) No, not at all. I was just worried that you might have had another run-in with Rusot. KIRA Don't worry -- (holding up the cooling unit) I'm going to keep a cool head. Kira then sets down the unit and begins working a panel. KIRA Assuming this thing actually works...