DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT FOUR 48. 41 CONTINUED: SESKAL It's a legitimate question, Garak. GARAK Maybe. But I don't think it's a proper subject for discussion -- not if we're all supposed to be getting along. SESKAL (to Rusot) Well, if you won't ask him, I will. (louder) Odo -- when you were the head of security on Terok Nor, what did you think was going to happen to the Bajoran prisoners that you arrested? KIRA (to Odo) You don't have to answer that. The moment Kira speaks, Rusot steps into the fray. RUSOT Why not? (pointed) It's a legitimate question. KIRA If you're looking to provoke an argument. GARAK (to the Cardassians) Just as I said. ODO I expected my prisoners to be dealt with justly, though I soon came to realize that Cardassians had little interest in justice. Kira allows herself a smile over Odo's reply -- SESKAL (not letting it go) Then why didn't you resign in "protes?t"