DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT FOUR 47. 4 CONTINUED: MARTOK (Cont'd) Whatever Gowron's motives are, it's our duty to help him defeat the Dominion. We owe it to our fallen comrades. Worf is moved by Martok's ability to take the high road. WORF (putting a hand to his shoulder) I am honored to be part of your House. A moment between them, then Martok looks around the room. MARTOK I'd better gather my things. This office belongs to Gowron now... Off Worf's face as he watches Martok gather his things... 45 EXT. SPACE - VANDEN PRIME (OPTICAL) Re-establishing the planet. 46 INT. DAMAR'S BASE - CAVERN Odo is sitting with Kira as she eats. She's worried about him, but tries not to show it. ODO How's the food? KIRA Replicated. Kira is tense, knowing that she and Odo are being closely watched by the Cardassians around them, including Rusot and GUL SESKAL, eating their meals a few feet away. Garak sits with Rusot and Seskal, watching them watch Kira and Odo. SESKAL (to Rusot, re: Odo) Are you going to ask him or not? GARAK (to Rusot) I wouldn't recommend it.