DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT THREE 36. 32 CONTINUED: Gowron presents the knife to Martok, who takes it and SLIDES it across his PALM, allowing BLOOD to drip onto the medal as well. 33 SISKO AND ROSS SISKO (sotto) We're next... ROSS (blanching) You're kidding. SISKO I wish I were... Off Ross's face, we -- CUT TO: 34 MARTOK as he solemnly intones -- MARTOK I accept this honor in the name of the House of Martok... and I ask only to be allowed to continue to serve the Empire. 35 WORF allows himself a small smile, pleased that his friend has remembered the ritual responses perfectly. CUT TO: 36 CLOSE - A BARREL OF BLOODWINE as two hands dunk TANKARDS in and fill them. ADJUST to REVEAL Worf and Martok as they raise their glasses to each other. The Star of Kahless is now pinned to Martok's uniform. In the background, people are milling about in small groups. WORF You did well.