DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT THREE 35. 30 CONTINUED: (5) HILLIARD Ah, yes. Odo -- who by your own admission has been known to consort with the enemy. Bashir isn't sure how to defend Odo against this charge. BASHIR You have to understand the circumstances -- HILLIARD I don't care about the circumstances. If you find a cure, there's a good chance it could fall into Dominion hands. That's a risk Starfleet Medical is not willing to take. Your request for the files is denied. (a warning) If I were you, I'd drop this matter. Otherwise I'll have to refer it to Starfleet Security. And with that, the transmission ENDS. Off Bashir as he tries to make sense of what just happened... 30A INT. REPLIMAT where Bashir is sitting with O'Brien at a table. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. BASHIR I'm telling you, Miles. It was bizarre. This Commander Hilliard let me think he was going to help me just so he could ply me with questions. O'BRIEN Sounds like your typical bureaucrat flexing his muscles. BASHIR No, it was more than that. He practically accused me of being a traitor. He made it sound like I was in league with the Dominion just because I want to help Odo. O'Brien tries to makes sense of this strange information.