DEEP SPACE NINE: "When it Rains... " - REV. 03/02/99 - ACT ONE 14. 11 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK He's willing to do that, he knows your skills would be useful. But he's concerned that his men would see your uniform as an affront. We Cardassians are a proud people. Losing Bajor to a ragtag band of terrorists -- no offense -- was a humiliation. (beat) Simply put, taking on a Bajoran officer as an advisor would undermine his authority. Kira fumes, but there's nothing she can do. With a sympathetic glance Kira's way, Ross reluctantly concludes: ROSS I'm sorry, colonel. (to Sisko) We'll have to send someone else to head up the mission. SISKO No, sir. Colonel Kira is the best person for the job. There's another way around this problem. CUT TO: