DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT FIVE 54. 59 CONTINUED: DUKAT (to Winn) We were brought together for a purpose -- a great purpose. Our destinies are linked. SOLBOR Don't listen to him -- look in his eyes. Don't you recognize the face of your enemy? It's Gul Dukat! Winn looks searchingly at Dukat, who doesn't bother to deny the accusation. Dukat remains calm and in control. WINN It can't be... Winn backs away from Dukat, picking up a knife from the dinner tray, holding it out to protect herself from him. She moves towards Solbor. SOLBOR He lied to you. Used you! WINN It's not true! The Kai's world is crashing down upon her. And having turned her back on the Prophets, she's unsure of where to turn. Throughout, Dukat smiles at her calmly. SOLBOR (to Dukat) I don't know why you've done this -- for what evil purpose. But it's not going to work! DUKAT (to Winn) He doesn't understand -- he can't understand the love of the Pah- wraiths. Solbor looks at Winn -- he can't believe what he's hearing. SOLBOR The love of the Pah-wraiths?