DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT FOUR 46. 40 CONTINUED: A groggy Winn tries to clear the cobwebs. WINN Anjohl? I must've dozed off... DUKAT You're tired. It's understandable. WINN I haven't made much progress... DUKAT You'll find the answers we're looking for. It's just a matter of time. WINN (taking comfort in his words) I'm glad you're here. DUKAT (smiling back at her) I'll see that you're brought something to eat. And as Dukat moves off -- 41 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME DAY (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-establishing. 42 INT. DAMAR'S QUARTERS DAY CLOSE ON Gul Rusot downing a glass of kanar. RUSOT According to the latest battle reports, it looks like the Dominion is going to retake Chin'toka. DAMAR A few months ago, the thought of driving the Federation from Cardassian soil would've been cause for celebration.