98:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT FOUR 45. 39 REVEAL SOLBOR quietly collecting a stack of books off the desk and carrying them towards the door. Just then, the door OPENS and Dukat ENTERS. DUKAT (re: the books) Where are you going with those? SOLBOR I'm returning them to the archives. DUKAT On who's authority? SOLBOR I believe her eminence has finished.... DUKAT (an order) Put them back. SOLBOR How dare you use that tone with me -- Dukat backhands him across the face, knocking Solbor off his feet. DUKAT Very well, I'll put them back. And with that, Dukat pulls a frightened Solbor to his feet and shoves him out the door. 40 DUKAT THEN PICKS UP THE BOOKS and carries them back to Winn's desk. Moving around to Winn's side of the desk, he stares down at the still-sleeping Kai. And as he studies this woman, his lover, the spiritual leader of the Bajoran people... his face betrays a mixture of curiosity, superiority and loathing. After a beat, he leans over and kisses her softly on the forehead. DUKAT Wake up, my love. There's work to be done.