DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT THREE 39. 30 CONTINUED: SISKO I'm joking. KASIDY You better be. Kasidy steps over Sisko and gives him a kiss. SISKO What's that for? KASIDY The flowers. And for being big enough to admit when you're wrong. The door CHIMES. SISKO That must be Quark with the necklace. KASIDY Necklace? SISKO In case the flowers didn't work. (to door) Come in. But it's not Quark at the door... 31 IT'S ADMIRAL ROSS and he's not bearing a necklace either. ROSS Ben, we just got word. The Breen have launched a counteroffensive against our forces in the Chin'toka System. SISKO Have they broken through? ROSS In two places. Sisko knows what this means.