DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT THREE 32. 26 CONTINUED: SOLBOR Here are the other volumes you wanted. WINN (without looking up) Thank you. You can go now. But Solbor hesitates, he has something on his mind. SOLBOR Eminence. I must inform you that the archivists are very concerned. DUKAT You heard the Kai, leave us. SOLBOR (ignoring Dukat) They're wondering why you need to consult so many of these... dark texts. WINN Tell them that their Kai works for the good of Bajor. Now leave me, I have work to do. Solbor nods, and heads for the door. But before he EXITS, he and Dukat exchange a parting look of mutual dislike. DUKAT (to Winn, re: Solbor) Something tells me that when the Restoration occurs, the Pah- wraiths are going to find that little man... unworthy. Winn looks up to Dukat, staring at him as if having forgotten that he was even in the room. WINN Why are you still here?