144:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT TWO 28. 20 CONTINUED: (3) DUKAT (Cont'd) And they're willing to share their power with you. The question is, do you want it? Dukat is tense with anticipation as Kai Winn makes her decision and unlocks the book, then carefully -- 21 OPENS IT to REVEAL a blank page of vellum. The Kai turns to the second page, it's blank as well. DUKAT This can't be... Dukat turns more and more pages -- they're all blank! DUKAT It's a trick. WINN (certain) It's not a trick. DUKAT Then Solbor brought the wrong book. WINN (shaking her head) He doesn't make those kinds of mistakes. (a beat) The words are here... they've been hidden, that's all. Now it's up to us to find them. And off her look of determination, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO