DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT TWO 26. 20 CONTINUED: WINN Knowledge is never dangerous -- in the right hands. SOLBOR There's an old saying... "He who studies evil, is studied by evil." WINN I'll keep that in mind. Now give me the book... Solbor still hesitates. DUKAT Your concern for her eminence is acknowledged and appreciated. Nevertheless, you must do as she says. I will see to it that no harm comes to her. WINN (to Solbor) There. That should make you feel better. SOLBOR I wish it did. (re: Dukat) But this man... he arrives one day on Deep Space Nine and the next, he's become your closest advisor. What do we know about him? Where does he come from? What does he want? DUKAT I want only to serve the Kai. SOLBOR (to Winn, re: Dukat) This is his idea, isn't it? To study that hateful book. WINN Anjohl was sent to me by the Prophets. That's all I need to know -- that's all anyone needs to know.