DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: WEYOUN Yes, you are. Unless you haven't gone to bed yet. DAMAR Actually, I had a very restful sleep. WEYOUN (slightly suspicious) Did you? How nice. Weyoun steps over to look at what's on Damar's screen. DAMAR I had no idea the Breen could mobilize such a large fleet so quickly. WEYOUN Our new allies are full of surprises, aren't they? You know those refrigeration suits they wear... DAMAR What about them? WEYOUN I'm sure you've read the intelligence reports that say their homeworld is a frozen wasteland. (off Damar's nod) Well, it's not true. (sotto voce) The climate on their planet is quite comfortable. DAMAR Then why do they wear refrigeration suits? WEYOUN They won't say. You see what I mean? They're full of surprises. (a beat) There's something different about you today, Damar... I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like you're only half-dressed...