DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Changing... " - REV. 02/23/99 - ACT ONE 8. 9 CONTINUED: RUSOT (re: the PADD) The information you requested. DAMAR Excellent. Have a seat. RUSOT I'm not sure it's wise for me to stay. What if the Vorta decides to pay you a visit? DAMAR And what if he does? He'll find me in conference with one of my officers. There's nothing suspicious about that. But Damar can see that Rusot is still tense. Rusot crosses over to the table and pours himself a glass of kanar. RUSOT It doesn't seem right... all this plotting and secrecy. What are we? Romulans? Rusot hold up the bottle, but Damar refuses with a shake of his head. DAMAR No, we're Cardassians. But right now, Cardassia is an occupied territory. And to defeat an occupying army takes careful planning and secrecy. RUSOT Can we really hope to defeat the Dominion? With the Breen on their side, they're stronger than ever. Damar steps over to Rusot and gently puts his arm on his shoulder, reassuringly. DAMAR But we'll be fighting to win back our homes and our freedom. That will make us even stronger. Damar and Rusot stare at each other for a moment; Damar practically willing his confidence onto Rusot. After a beat, Rusot nods.