13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Strange... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 35 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 36 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS A small group of N.D. Bajoran Women has gathered in Sisko's living room. They're all sitting in chairs which have been arranged for them. Sisko is standing before them and trying to put the best face on the situation. SISKO First of all, let me welcome all of you to my home. (beat) Now, I know that many of you had requested that my wife conduct today's ceremony, but-- Suddenly the door OPENS and Kasidy ENTERS. KASIDY Sorry I'm late. She walks right up to Sisko and gives him a hug. KASIDY (sotto) You owe me one. SISKO (sotto) I won't forget. Sisko steps aside and Kasidy turns to the women. KASIDY All right, let's see a show of hands -- who wants boys? CUT TO: 37 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is working at a console when O'Brien ENTERS.