160:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Strange... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 42. 34 INT. CARDASSIAN HOLDING CELL Worf is sitting on the bunk, his leg wrapped in a crude, bloodied bandage. Ezri is leaning against the wall. EZRI The Dax symbiont has lived for over three hundred years. Experienced eight lifetimes. And now it's all going to end... with an execution on Cardassia. Ezri Tigan's contribution to the Dax legacy... will be to end it. WORF There is no honor in self-pity. EZRI You know Worf, I've had just about enough of your little Klingon aphorisms. The only reason I came on this mission was to save your miserable life, so the least you can do is stop acting like a self-righteous targ. WORF Your motives for finding me were not honorable. EZRI Do you really think I disobeyed orders, and risked my life so I could seduce you? I hate to burst your bubble Worf, but it wasn't that good. WORF Always the barb, always the joke. EZRI There was a time when you thought my sense of humor was one of my more endearing qualities.