DEEP SPACE NINE: "Strange... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 31. 24E INT. QUARK'S - FIRST LEVEL (FORMERLY SCENE 33A) O'BRIEN and Bashir are at the bar, nursing a couple of drinks. O'Brien is watching Quark carefully pour a drink into a glass and set it in front of an empty chair, while Bashir is brooding and staring into his glass. O'BRIEN Do you have to do that? QUARK I do it every day at this time. O'BRIEN I know. But it's sort of... morbid. QUARK Morbid? That implies she's not coming back. Bashir looks at him sharply too. O'BRIEN I'm not trying to imply anything of the kind. QUARK One of these days Ezri's going to come walking through those doors again and this drink is going to be sitting right here waiting for her when she does. O'BRIEN Well, in the meantime, all you're doing is reminding us that she's missing. QUARK No one's forcing you to sit here. Beat. BASHIR (mutters) It was the Badlands... O'BRIEN What? BASHIR What?