DEEP SPACE NINE: "Strange... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 27. 20 CONTINUED: (2) Thot Gor turns back to them and issues another burst of STATIC. DAMAR Absolutely not! That database is classified -- But Weyoun intercedes, cutting Damar off. WEYOUN What Legate Damar means to say is that the entire database is open to you. Feel free to examine it at your leisure. Thot Gor nods and goes back to work. DAMAR (sotto, to Weyoun) You surely don't mean that. WEYOUN (sotto) On the contrary, I'm quite sincere. DAMAR (sotto) They don't need to know everything about our military operations in order to help us. WEYOUN (sotto) The decision was made by the Founder herself. (beat) The Founder has also decided that from now on your military recommendations should be submitted to Thot Gor, who will pass them on to her. DAMAR I will not! Thot Gor turns back briefly at the outburst, then goes back to examining the various consoles and monitors. Weyoun turns on Damar, deadly serious. WEYOUN I trust that was simply an unguarded emotional outburst, so I will ignore it. This time.