98:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 59A. 64B CONTINUED: Weyoun hasn't been looking forward to this moment. WEYOUN Oh? DAMAR I demand to know where we're going. Damar is sure Weyoun's going to slap him down, and he's ready to stand his ground. To his surprise, Weyoun flips up his eyepiece and smiles graciously. WEYOUN Of course. In fact, I was just about to come to your quarters to discuss the matter. DAMAR (suspicious) Were you? WEYOUN I've kept you in the dark too long, and for that I apologize. You are the leader of Cardassia. You deserve to know everything we're doing. Damar is completely thrown by Weyoun's respectful demeanor, but it's a welcome change. Weyoun throws an arm around his shoulder as he continues -- WEYOUN I have a feeling you're going to be very pleased... Off Damar's anticipation to hear what's going on... (whatever it is, you can bet it's not good for the Federation) 65 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Breen ship cruises at impulse. 66 INT. BREEN CELL Worf sits, in a foul mood, glowering at Ezri. She has recovered somewhat and sits at the opposite end of the bench.