DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 39. 34 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) A huge Jem'Hadar battleship cruises at warp. 35 INT. JEM'HADAR BRIDGE N.D. JEM'HADAR man various consoles. The Jem'Hadar First wears a VIEWING HEADSET that allows him to Conn the ship, Weyoun wears another. He moves to the FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER, who's at a side console, studying a monitor. Her face is mottled and flaky, similar to the last time we saw her in "Penumbra." We also see evidence of the disease on her "clothing," since it too is actually part of her. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER When do we reach the rendezvous coordinates? WEYOUN Approximately thirty-six hours. (beat) May I say that your plan is brilliant. I'm confident it will turn the war in our favor. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Let's hope you're right. Suddenly overcome with exhaustion, she steadies herself against the console. WEYOUN (with concern) Founder... She waves him off, stands straight again. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER About Damar -- I trust he won't be a problem? WEYOUN I'm sure he'll have "concerns," but you needn't worry about that. I'll deal with him when the time comes. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER See that you do. I find him most trying.