96:[1,#b],117:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 38. 33 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko can't keep the tinge of resentment from his voice. SISKO You'd think they'd tell me what it is. KIRA It doesn't always work that way, you know that. (beat) What they're asking isn't easy. But they've never led you down the wrong path. Sisko has to admit they haven't. SISKO Not so far. But there's always a first time. (anger rising) To them, I'm "The Sisko" -- an instrument for carrying out their wishes. They forget that I'm human -- with dreams and wishes of my own. They say marrying Kasidy is a mistake. Maybe it is but it's my mistake to make. Kira doesn't have an answer for him, all she has is her faith. KIRA I wouldn't go against the Prophets. (beat) You're doing the right thing. A moment between them.