DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 29. 27 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI Isn't that strange? I wonder what it means? WORF (dry) That Doctor Bashir is a Breen? EZRI Very funny. (more to herself) The cave could symbolize the womb. My subconscious could be trying to tell me that I need to confront emotions I repressed at birth. (suddenly confused) But which one? I've been born nine times. WORF This is ridiculous. Ezri's stung by his brusque dismissal. EZRI I'm a counselor. Analyzing dreams is part of my job. WORF Jadzia never talked about her dreams. EZRI Well, I'm not Jadzia -- am I? Before Worf can respond, the cell door OPENS and THREE BREEN pour inside, holding their weapons and truncheons like they mean business. The First uses his weapon to hold Ezri at bay, while the Second and Third move toward Worf. The Third Breen steps close to Worf, then suddenly emits a strange metallic SCREECH. Worf starts at the sudden, jarring sound, but stands his ground. The Breen uses his truncheon to motion toward the door, but Worf defiantly crosses his arms in front of him and stays put. The Breen turns to his companion, emits a short SCREECH, and gets a SCREECH in reply.