67:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 28. 27 CONTINUED: WORF Breen do not have claws. EZRI How do you know? Besides, it was a dream. Dreams are full of things that don't seem to make sense. WORF That is why it's best to ignore them. EZRI How can you say that? Dreams contain valuable insights. Sometimes the things that don't seem to make sense are actually the key to what your unconscious is trying to tell you. Worf frowns as Ezri pushes on -- EZRI Anyway, I got away from him... but there wasn't any place to run. And just when I thought he was going to kill me, he reached up and took off his helmet. WORF (despite himself) And? EZRI (knowing how strange it is) And... it was Julian. WORF Doctor Bashir?