146:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 12-16A. 12 CONTINUED: (3) EZRI (yes and no) In some ways... Worf tenderly brushes a lock of hair from her forehead. WORF I thought I'd lost her forever... but you and I will have many years together. 12A EZRI - CLOSE She's not sure she's comfortable with his vision of the future. Off her uncertain expression... 13 thru OMITTED 14 15 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME (MATTE SHOT) Establishing. 16 INT. DAMAR'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM WEYOUN's framed in the doorway, peering into the dark room. We hear CARDASSIAN SNORING from somewhere off camera. Weyoun wrinkles his nose at the stale smell of the room. WEYOUN Computer, lights. The LIGHTS COME ON. DAMAR, in uniform, is sprawled upon the dirty tangle of sheets on his bed, an empty bottle of KANAR gripped in one hand. WEYOUN Damar. Damar wakes and bolts upright, hair asunder, eyes bleary and disoriented. When his gaze falls on Weyoun -- DAMAR What are you doing here? Weyoun regards him with ill-disguised contempt.