DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - TEASER 5. 3 CLOSE ON WINN WINN Thank you, my child. As Winn starts down the stairs, suddenly the SCREEN WHITES OUT and we -- CUT TO: 4 INT. PROMENADE - VISION (OPTICAL) As the SCREEN WHITES IN, Winn finds herself near the entrance to the Temple. We hear the same HEARTBEAT SOUND that accompanies an Orb experience, and the scene has that same look. As Winn turns to get her bearings, she sees the Solbor Alien standing nearby. SOLBOR ALIEN Her pagh is strong. WINN (confused) Solbor? Suddenly the Kira Alien is behind her. KIRA ALIEN She will serve us well. Winn realizes that these people aren't who they appear to be, and it suddenly hits her what's happening. WINN (awed) Prophets...