DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbraff - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT FIVE 63. 77 CONTINUED: SARAH PROPHET If you do, you will know nothing but sorrow. SISKO You don't care about how I feel. All that matters to you is that I do what you want. Her aloof features seem to soften at hearing the pain in his voice. CUT TO: 78 OMITTED 79 INT. PROMENADE - VISION (OPTICAL) Suddenly the Sarah Prophet is standing very close to Sisko. SARAH PROPHET You are the Sisko. You are part of me. SISKO (anguished) If that's true -- if you really do care about me, if you consider me your son -- then let me have this. SARAH PROPHET It is not for you to have. There are many tasks still ahead of you. (insistent) Accept your fate. Your greatest Trial is about to begin. Sisko is about to question her further when she holds up a hand to stop him. SARAH PROPHET Don't be afraid.