DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT FIVE 57. 64 CONTINUED: EZRI Actually, I think it happened last night. A moment as they realize they need to talk about it. WORF (uncomfortable) You don't regret last night, do you? EZRI What makes you ask that? WORF Jadzia explained to me that joined Trill are not supposed to... become involved with anyone they were intimate with in their previous lives. It is no small thing to ignore the ban against Reassociation, but Ezri can't deny what she's feeling for Worf right now. EZRI I bet you've broken a few Klingon rules in your time. A moment between them, then we hear the SOUND of power systems firing up. EZRI What's that? The cell SHUDDERS for a beat or two -- they're moving. WORF We must be on a Breen ship. As they share a grim look, we... CUT TO: 65 EXT. SPACE - A BREEN SHIP (OPTICAL) as it breaks orbit and moves away.