44:[1,#b],73:[1,#b],103:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT FOUR 53. 61B CONTINUED: (3) They both work for a beat. WORF (awkwardly) Tell me... did Jadzia... did she and Boday... EZRI I don't have to answer that question. WORF (sure of it) She did. Worf stands and moves away. EZRI Worf, she didn't even know you back then. WORF I don't want to hear your excuses. Ezri stands to confront him. EZRI My excuses? I'm not the one who slept with him. WORF You had dinner with him. EZRI (moving to face him) Who are you angry with? Me or Jadzia? WORF Both. EZRI You're crazy. WORF You could make anyone crazy. Worf turns away from her. EZRI Don't turn your back. Talk to me, you coward.