DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT FOUR 48. 59A A CARDASSIAN WOMAN Damar's mistress. DAMAR (smiles) Still, power has its privileges. (pulling her close) You're a good listener, my dear. If only my wife were as understanding. He's about to kiss her when the door CHIMES. DAMAR What is it? The door OPENS to REVEAL -- 60 DUKAT who slips inside. Damar instinctively rises to his feet respectfully -- Dukat may be wearing CIVILIAN CLOTHES, but Damar still views him as his mentor. DAMAR (clearly surprised to see him) Dukat... DUKAT (to the woman) Leave us. She looks to Damar, who nods. With a small frown, she passes Dukat and EXITS. DAMAR Does Weyoun know you're here? DUKAT (smiles ruefully) I see he still has you under his thumb. Damar looks down, shamed in the presence of the man he once admired so much -- DAMAR My concern is for you. The last time you saw him, you made certain promises. Promises you weren't able to keep.