DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbraff - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT TWO 34-35. 44 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (STOCK OPTICAL) as it moves at warp. 45 INT. RUNABOUT The ship is no longer at Red Alert. Worf is at the helm, his hair and uniform tidied and his cut healed. Ezri sits nearby, and we get the feeling that the trip has been very quiet. Worf busies himself by keeping an unnecessarily vigilant eye on the ship's controls. Ezri watches him press buttons, sensing that he's avoiding her. She tries to strike up a conversation. EZRI What are you doing? WORF Realigning the inertial stabilizers. EZRI Didn't you just do that a few hours ago? WORF I want to make sure the systems are running at optimal efficiency. EZRI Right. Ezri can't stand the tension anymore and decides to engage Worf in conversation.