DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT TWO 29. 37 INT. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER'S QUARTERS The room is bare except for a Cardassian-style crescent communications DESK. Weyoun stands before the FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER, doing his best not to shiver even though it's colder in here than in the Briefing Room. Despite the temperature, her skin is PEELING and CRACKED, a bit worse than last time we saw her. Weyoun, ever polite, tries not to notice or show alarm at her condition. WEYOUN (with a small bow) Founder, I'm honored to be summoned to your presence. The Founder barely acknowledges his greeting. WEYOUN (fishing for information) I trust the new communications system meets your needs? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER It's adequate. WEYOUN I'm glad. (gently probing) If I can be of any further assistance. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER When the time comes. (beat) The vaccine -- how is it progressing? WEYOUN I regret that it failed to stabilize the latest sample you provided. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I see. Weyoun hears her displeasure and is quick to point out: