DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT TWO 26. 33 CONTINUED: Ezri gets up and hurries to the back transporter Pad, works the controls. A beat, then -- 34 WORF MATERIALIZES (OPTICAL) on the Transporter Pad in a sitting position. He's disheveled, and has a CUT on his head, but he's alive. Ezri breaks into a smile of relief when she sees him. EZRI Worf... She moves to kneel at his side. It takes Worf a moment to get his bearings and realize he's been beamed off the escape pod. WORF (groggy) Ezri... ? EZRI (noticing) You're hurt. WORF It is nothing. He starts to get to his feet, and Ezri takes his arm to help. EZRI Easy. They move toward the front of the Runabout, but Worf loses his equilibrium and they stagger against the wall. 34A CLOSE - EZRI her face just inches from his. It takes her a moment to recover from finding herself in such close proximity to him, then she gently rights him and guides him the rest of the way to a chair. EZRI There we go... Ezri moves to get a MEDKIT. Worf shakes the off cobwebs and takes in his surroundings.