DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT TWO 21. 25 CONTINUED: EZRI (Cont'd) (beat) Cut the engines. The computer CHIRPS and complies. A moment, then the ship LURCHES as it's picked up by a plasmic stream. Ezri hangs on, tries not to give in to the sickening MOTIONS the ship is making as it's tossed by the currents. Off her face... 26 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 27 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS We start CLOSE on the facade of a rustic home constructed in the Bajoran style. As we PULL BACK, we REVEAL it's really a -- 28 MODEL HOUSE sitting on a table in Sisko's quarters. Sisko, in NIGHTCLOTHES, is using a TOOL to work on the unfinished model. A moment, then a sleepy Kasidy ENTERS from the bedroom. KASIDY Ben... what are you doing up? SISKO Couldn't sleep. She sees what he's working on and approaches. KASIDY It's coming along... SISKO (nods) I thought working on it might take my mind off things... She puts a comforting arm around him. KASIDY If Worf's out there, she'll find him.