DEEP SPACE NINE: "Penumbra" - REV. 01/19/99 - ACT TWO 19. 21 CONTINUED: SISKO I wish I could say yes. ODO Then why are you letting her do this? SISKO Because she needs to. And because she'd never forgive me if I stopped her. And off this moment... 22 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (STOCK OPTICAL) holding position. 23 INT. RUNABOUT (VPB) Ezri is working a panel in the cockpit. EZRI Computer, show me the position of the Koraga at the time it was attacked. The computer CHIRPS and the MONITOR displays a computer simulation that shows an ICON of the Koraga in relation to the Badlands. EZRI Which escape pods were recovered? COMPUTER VOICE The six starboard pods were recovered. EZRI Why none from the port side? COMPUTER VOICE Unknown.