DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT FIVE 60A. 91B ON ZEEMO'S GROUP as the money floats all around them. The crowd of money-grabbers encircles Zeemo and the others, blocking their path to the countroom. BLONDE Look, it's raining money. The blonde bends down and begins picking up bills. Even Cicci manages to plant one of his large brogans on a bill. 91C ANGLE ON O'BRIEN, KASIDY AND THE GUARD still in heated conversation. But half the guard's attention is on the activity surrounding the craps table. O'BRIEN Can I go now? KASIDY You're not going anywhere! (to the guard) Don't let him leave. GUARD (urgently waving another guard over) Charlie, over here! ANOTHER GUARD hurries over. GUARD Take this gentleman to security. KASIDY (to the guard) But I want you to handle this. GUARD I'm afraid I can't leave my post. (to Charlie, re: O'Brien) Strip search. The other guard takes O'Brien by the arm and leads him away. O'BRIEN (indignant) Strip search?