DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT FIVE 60. 88 CONTINUED: Cicci immediately places his large hand on Vic's shoulder. CICCI (to Vic) Now you've done it. 89 INT. COUNTROOM - NIGHT Nog turns the dial one last time, smiles, and pulls the handle of the safe. It opens. NOG "Piece of cake." Odo quickly begins filling the open suitcase with money. 90 INT. CASINO - NIGHT As before. FRANKIE (to Cicci, re: Vic) Bury him. ZEEMO I'm still waiting for my money, Frankie. They take a couple of steps towards the countroom when there's a commotion off screen. They look over to see -- 91 ANGLE ON THE CRAPS TABLE Sisko throwing handfuls of money (bills, not chips) into the air and the crowd going after the money. SISKO Tonight everyone's a winner. Chaos breaks out as people scramble chasing after the bills. 91A BACK AT THE POKER TABLE Bashir takes his chips and throws them into the fray as well.