DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT FIVE 59. 88 NEW ANGLE as Vic intercepts Zeemo and the group, making a beeline for the blonde. VIC Nina? Is that you? Vic throws his arms around the blonde and hugs her. ZEEMO (re: Vic) Who's this? FRANKIE Nobody. (to Vic) Take a walk. But Vic ignores Frankie, talking only to the blonde. VIC Where've you been keeping yourself, baby? BLONDE (confused) Do I know you? VIC Do you know me? Don't you remember that week in Miami? (to Zeemo) Ever see what she looks like in a bikini? Mama, mia... ZEEMO (to the blonde) When were you in Miami? BLONDE I don't know what he's talking about. VIC (to the blonde, re: Zeemo) Who's this? Your grandpa? ZEEMO (an order) Frankie. FRANKIE Cicci!