DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT FIVE 58A. 85C CONTINUED: AL Who wants to know? BASHIR Frankie Eyes. He's waiting for you. In the lobby. AL What for? I didn't do nuthin'. BASHIR Then you have nothing to worry about. And with that, Al takes off trying to contain his panic. Bashir looks over toward Sisko and Vic -- 85D ANGLE ON THE CRAPS TABLE where Sisko and Vic offer him a nod. But their triumph is short-lived as Vic spots more bad news off-screen -- Vic You gotta be kidding me... SISKO Now what? Sisko looks up to see -- 86 SISKO'S POV of Zeemo and the group heading for the countroom. SISKO (O.S.) Zeemo? 87 RESUME VIC He's a day early. (a beat) Keep playing, I'll try to stall them.