DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT FOUR 54. 78 CONTINUED: NOG This safe... it has an auto- relock tumbler. Kira didn't mention anything about an auto- relock tumbler. ODO She obviously didn't know about it. Nog looks at his wristwatch. NOG Four minutes... that's not enough time. ODO It's all we have. And as Nog glances at his watch again -- 79 INT. VIC'S LOUNGE - NIGHT CLOSE ON Kira's watch. FRANKIE (O.S.) You in some kind of hurry? ADJUST to include Kira and Frankie at a table. KIRA Me? FRANKIE You keep staring at that watch. KIRA Really? I hadn't noticed. FRANKIE And your drink... you haven't touched it. Kira quickly takes up the glass and takes a sip. KIRA The night is young. I've got to pace myself. FRANKIE (growing suspicious) Pace yourself for what?