DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT FOUR 51. 71E CONTINUED: She holds out the tray with the two drinks and the sandwich. From his pocket, Bashir palms a small vial of ipecac. As he reaches over to furtively pour the fluid into the drink, a PASSERBY accidently barges into Ezri, knocking both drinks off the tray. Ezri barely manages to salvage the sandwich. EZRI (to Bashir) I'm so sorry. She and Bashir exchange an anxious look. Just then, Bashir spots something off-screen -- BASHIR Don't worry about it. 72 ANGLE ON ANOTHER WAITRESS passing by with a tray of drinks. Bashir deftly reaches over and plucks two glasses off the tray. BASHIR (to the waitress) You're too kind. Keeping one glass for himself, he places the other one on Ezri's tray, pouring the vial into the drink. Ezri stirs it quickly to dissipate the fluid. With a relieved smile to Bashir, she heads for the countroom. 73 ANGLE ON THE COUNTROOM as Ezri approaches with the tray, the guard opens the door for her, and she disappears inside. 74 OMITTED