DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT THREE 35-36. 32 thru OMITTED 35 36 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko and Kasidy are in a heated argument. SISKO You're in charge of what? KASIDY Of distracting the guard so we can sneak someone into the countroom. SISKO Kas, I can't believe you're involved in this... the whole thing is ridiculous. KASIDY I guess that means you're not going to wish me luck. SISKO And you're telling me that virtually my entire senior staff is part of this nonsense? KASIDY You're supposed to help your friends when they're in trouble. And Vic -- hologram or not -- is in trouble. Not that I'd expect you to care. SISKO Look... this is not about Vic Fontaine. KASIDY Then what's your problem? SISKO You want to know? I'll tell you. It's Las Vegas, nineteen sixty- two! That's my problem. That catches Kasidy by surprise. SISKO In nineteen sixty-two, brown people weren't made to feel very welcome there.