DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT THREE 31. 28 CONTINUED: Cicci then starts slapping the waiter with the sandwich. Odo approaches with Ezri. ODO Cicci -- can I have a word with you? CICCI One second. (to the waiter) Now I want a cheesesteak and I don't care if you gotta fly to Philadelphia to get me one. With a final slap, he pushes the waiter out of the way and turns his attention to Odo and Ezri. CICCI I'm telling you, a guy can starve to death in this town. ODO Ezri, this is Tony Cicci. EZRI Nice to meet you. Cicci wipes his hand with a napkin before offering it to her. He likes what he sees. CICCI The pleasure is all mine. ODO Ezri's new in town and needs a job. EZRI I'm a very good waitress. CICCI Yeah? You wouldn't happen to have a slice of pizza on you? EZRI No, but I'll go the kitchen and get you one.