DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT TWO 20. 18 INT. VIC'S LOUNGE - NIGHT ON THE STAGE where the shapely showgirls are strutting their stuff. 19 ON KIRA AND ODO who are standing in the back, near the entrance, taking in the new surroundings. Kira looks lovely in an evening dress and Odo looks elegant in his tuxedo. She looks over at Odo, who is staring at the dancers. KIRA Let me guess, you're going to look around here while I check the casino. ODO If you'd prefer, I'll go and -- KIRA (patting his arm) Enjoy yourself. But remember, we've got a job to do. ODO Of course. With that, Kira EXITS towards the casino. Odo looks back at the dancers for a beat, then catches himself and heads over to the bar where --