99:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Badda-bing... " - REV. 01/13/99 - ACT ONE 9A. 10A CONTINUED: BASHIR Except this type of jack-in-the- box is different. NOG It doesn't go "Boo?" BASHIR No, this surprise is buried deep in the holosuite program. O'BRIEN It's meant to shake things up, keep things interesting... NOG I wasn't bored. (to Kira) Were you? KIRA Not a bit. I liked Vic's just the way it was. BASHIR According to Felix, if we get rid of Frankie Eyes, everything resets to the way it was. KIRA (seeing some hope) That's good to know. NOG So how do we get rid of Frankie Eyes? BASHIR That's up to us. But Felix warned me that the program is period specific. O'BRIEN In other words, if we have to shoot him, we have to do it with a forty-five automatic and not a phaser. BASHIR We can't shoot Frankie, it's too dangerous.